
7 Reasons Missing Socialize West Will Ruin Your Life

attend Socialize West. It’s less than a month away, October 20 and 21 in San Francisco’s UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center.

Here are seven reasons why not going to this conference will ruin your life — or at least cause you to lose Facebook friends and money too.

1. You’ll miss out on the most promising alternative energy source in our modern world: Todd Tweedy.
2. It is actually possible to obsess about games and make money — that’s what 25 percent of the conference is about.
3. If you can’t mobilize to learn how to mobilize your business you’re probably chemically bonded with your couch or office chair.
4. Another 25 percent of the conference is about monetizing social media, so who cares how much the trip costs? You’re going to learn to boost revenue. Return on investment, baby!
5. If you think you can’t optimize your optimization processes, you clearly don’t understand optimizing. That’s another 25 percent of the conference. And more ROI.
6. I’m speaking at the event, and I can teach you how to make money. What’s the acronym again? ROI!
7. Admission costs one digit less than what other conferences charge — count the money you save toward ROI. If you register before before September 28 you will save an extra Franklin. Actually, that’s two Franklins if you compare what you’d pay for on-site registration. Add these savings to the ROI!

Now that I’ve convinced you not to miss Socialize West, click here to get in on that early-bird discounted registration. See you there!

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