How To Update Facebook Page With Your Mobile Phone
Many brands and businesses have started using Facebook Page as part of their marketing mix. As Facebook Page Admin, we often like to keep in touch with our readers through regular posting of text, photos, videos as well as links.
We want to do this because we want to keep the page with regular updates. And we want visitors to come to our page and find fresh and interesting content that is engaging. Fans and readers will not stay in a "ghost town if all you have is a page with the posts that have been updated 2 months ago.
In fact, readers and fans expect to hear from page admin on a regular basis because they want to keep up with the latest development in the industry as well as to get new resources that help them solve their pressing issues and problems.
There are few things you can do to keep your content fresh " How To Update Facebook Page With Your Mobile Phone ". You can
1 - Post to your Facebook page from your Personal Computer in real-time
2 - Schedule you posts ahead of time or
3 - Post from your mobile phone.
These days many people are on the go and they make use of in between time to do work such as updating Facebook an pages. Facebook has enable posting to personal profile pages as well as fan pages from mobile phones (and devices). And this is particularly helpful when you are at seminars, networking events or just out and about.
You can now capture some action at these events or snap a photo with your speaker and upload that to your fan page. You can also tag these photos with friends who attend the event with you and they would appreciate it because you have captured a meaningful or significant moment for them.
To do that you would log in as the Facebook Page admin, click on the Edit Pages button and choose Mobile from the left column menu. You will see an email address for your Facebook Page. Note that address and now you can send status updates to your page using this address.
Your subject line will be the status update and if you snap a photo and send it to this address that photo will appear on the wall of your Facebook Page.
Now that is a quick and easy way to updates fans of happenings at events and seminars. If you have a page for outdoor activities, this would also be a great way to update your page with photos of the different landscapes and scenery. This is real-time updating and it brings an angle of freshness to the page.
You can keep your Facebook Page email address on your mobile phone and devices so you can easily use it when you need to send a quick update to your page.
Try it and see how your fans will respond to this. It not only makes your down time more productive, it also shows your fans that you are thinking about them when you post these updates to the Fan Page for them in real-time.